This charming coming-of-age comedy/drama by Shinobu Yaguchi, (Waterboys, Swing Girls, Robo-G) is based on a popular novel by Shion Miura. Having flunked his university entrance exams, 18-year-old Yuki Hirano decides to leave the city behind to take part in a one-year forestry programme, swayed not by a passion for lumberjack life but rather by the attractive girl in the recruiting brochure. Knowing little of what lies ahead, Yuki winds up in rural Kamusari, a small village deep in the mountains, far from modern conveniences and facing a much tougher challenge than anticipated. The story, rich with ancient mythology and Japanese forest legend, has drawn praise from Studio Ghibli animation filmmaker, Hayao Miyazaki.
CJS is proud to be a part of this excellent showcase of contemporary Japanese film, and we hope you all come out to the Canadian premiere of WOOD JOB!
Tickets are $12 for the general public and can be ordered online ( or by phone to 416-441-2345.
WOOD JOB! ウッジョブ – 神去なあなあ日常
Directed and written by Shinobu Yaguchi, based on the novel by Shion Miura
Stars: Shota Sometani, Masami Nagasawa, Hideaki Ito
Monday, June 15, 2015
Start time: 7PM
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (6 Garamond Court, Toronto, ON M3C 1Z5)
Tel: 416.441.2345