Friday, May 30, 2008

CJS Board of Directors Looking Forward to Another Great Year!

On May 29th, the Canada Japan Society held its 2008 Annual General Meeting at the elegant offices of McMillan. We would like to thank outgoing board members Lisa Houston, John Le Blanc and Eiko Shaul for their invaluable contribution to the CJS. Returning to the board for 2008 – 2009 are Linda Adachi, Atiq Ahmed, Ken Bole, Sonia Cardillo, Chi Diep, Jeff Harju, Fumiko Shiba and Don Waters. The CJS welcomes Grethe Liverud, Chris McGee and Chiyoko Tomii as new board members.

The board presented CJS’s financial statements, and highlighted some major events held over the past year. Returning president Ken Bole spoke to plans for the upcoming year, which promises to be another productive, activity-filled one for the CJS.

As usual, the “business” portion of the AGM was kept brief, with the attendees enjoying most of the evening with wine, Japanese food, and the wonderful company of fellow CJS members.