Friday, April 5, 2013

April 19, 2013: The CJS Presents Our FIFTH Annual SURVIVING IN CANADA Seminar

トロント日加協会(CJS) 主催
第5回 新住民のためのカナダ生活情報セミナー

4月19日金曜日 6.30 PM – 9.30 PM トロント国際交流基金 
(The Japan Foundation, Toronto)


* トロントのコミュニティカレッジや語学学校で英語を勉強する
* 永住権を取得する
* 日本人へのサポート体制やネットワーキングづくり
* カナダ社会への適応について(日々の生活で直面する問題など)



参加費は当イベントの費用として使わせていただきます。参加ご希望の方は までご連絡ください。皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております。

2013年 4月19日火曜日
6:30 p.m – 受付開始
6:45 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. 講演 - 質疑応答
8:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. レセプション(軽食と飲み物)
トロント国際交流基金(The Japan Foundation, Toronto)
131 Bloor Street West, Suite 213
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1R1
参加費: $5

Monday, April 1, 2013

April 4, 2013: CJS April Ichimoku-kai (IMK)

It may be spring, but it still feels like a Canadian winter out there, so why not come in from the cold to Canada-Japan Society’s ICHIMOKU-KAI on Thursday, April 4th? Everyone is invited to join us for a great evening of cultural exchange, tasty Japanese food and drinks, door prizes, and lots of fun!

Ichimoku-kai (IMK) literally means the “first Thursday meeting” and since 1995 it has been the Canada-Japan Society’s signature monthly social event, naturally taking place on the first Thursday of every month.  It is a great place to informally network, make new and interesting friends, practise your Japanese or English, and – most of all – have a good time!  Usually, half the attendees are Japanese and half are Canadian, all with an interest in or connection to Japan.  Attendees receive special food and drink discounts and have the chance to win some exciting door prizes.

We hope to see you there - and come early for a good seat!

Thursday, April 4, 2013
6-10 pm
Manpuku Japanese Restaurant
105 McCaul Street
Units 29-31 (in the Village by the Grange building, south of the Food Court)

There is a $5 cover charge for non-CJS members. Discounts are available for groups of three or more people.