Friday, January 17, 2014

February 12, 2014: 近年ますます増加している異文化社会の中で How to Successfully Communicate In Our Increasingly Intercultural World

(English message further below)



をボイス&スピーチトレーナーである講師、 リン・ウッドマン(Lynn Woodman)を迎えて行います。


• 言葉はどれくらい文化による影響を受けているか;日本とカナダの文化の内面を洞察する
• 何故カナダではこれほどまでにソフトスキルの能力が重要とされているか
• カナダ出身の新しい同僚、友だち、知人と付き合っていく上で、どの様にプロとしてもしくは社会的にこの洞察を適応していくか

Wednesday, February 12, 2014
The Japan Foundation, Toronto
131 Bloor Street West, Suite 213
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1R1




参加希望者は までご連絡ください。 締め切り;2月7日(金)

The Canada Japan Society (CJS) cordially invites you to:

How to Successfully Communicate In Our Increasingly Intercultural World - The Unwritten Rules of the Social Game” by Voice & Speech teacher Lynn Woodman

Wednesday February 12, 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM at the Japan Foundation, Toronto
How confident are you in your ‘soft skills’ when speaking English? Are you able to easily establish and maintain professional and social relationships? 

In this seminar you will understand;
How culture is reflected in language; a guided look inside Japanese and Canadian cultures
Why Canadians care so much about soft skill competencies 
How to professionally and socially apply practical insights to dealing with Canadian born and New Canadian colleagues, friends, and acquaintances

The presentation will be in English followed by a short Q&A and a reception. Participation fee collected by CJS will be used to cover the expenses of the event.

Please RSVP by Friday February 7th, 2014:

Wednesday February 12, 2014
6:00 PM: Doors open, registration
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Presentation, Q&A
8:00 PM – 9:00 PM: Reception
The Japan Foundation, Toronto
131 Bloor Street West, Suite 213
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1R1
Participation Fee: $5