Monday, December 29, 2014
January 8, 2015: Ichimoku-kai is happening on the *second* Thursday in January!
Happy New Year, CJS friends! Chilly out there, isn't it? Then why not come in from the cold for some Japanese comfort food, drink, and good company at January's Ichimoku-kai (IMK)? Normally, IMK would take place on the first Thursday of the month, but IMK will take place NEXT week on Thursday, January 8th.
Ichimoku-kai (IMK) literally means the "first Thursday meeting" and since 1995 it has been the Canada Japan Society of Toronto's monthly social event, naturally on the first Thursday of every month. (Or the second, on very rare occasions! ;)
IMK is a great place to informally network, make new and interesting friends, practise your Japanese or English, and – most of all – have a good time! Usually, half the attendees are Japanese and half are Canadian, all with an interest in or connection to Japan. Attendees receive special food and drink discounts and have the chance to win some exciting door prizes.
We hope to see you there!
Thursday, January 8, 2015
6-10 pm
Manpuku Japanese Restaurant
105 McCaul Street
Units 29-31 (in the Village by the Grange building, south of the Food Court)
There is a $5 cover charge for non-CJS members. Discounts are available for groups of three or more people.
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
8:19 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2014
December 4, 2014: Canada Japan Society's BONENKAI (忘年会)
The holiday season is fast approaching, which means that it's almost time for the Canada Japan Society’s legendary BONENKAI (忘年会), our year-end celebration and party, on Thursday, December 4th!
Bonenkai literally means “forget the year party”. Always the biggest CJS party of the year, our Bonenkai is the perfect time to celebrate the end of another successful year as we all say goodbye to 2014.
We hope you will join our event - come enjoy an evening of meeting new people with a connection/interest in Japan, reconnect with those you haven’t seen for a while, learn more about the Canada Japan Society, and most of all... have a great time!
As last year's Bonenkai was such a huge success, we are returning to AJI SAI PLUS RESTO LOUNGE on Yonge near Bloor for this year's party. The evening will include great food, door prizes, and more! Admission is $15 for CJS members and students and $20 for non-members. If you would like to attend, you MUST RSVP to
Thank you - and we hope to see you on December 4th!
Thursday, December 4, 2014
6 P.M. to 12 A.M.
637 Yonge St, 3 blocks south of Yonge/Bloor
CJS Members and Students $15
Non-Members $20
Admission includes food. Cash Bar with super drink specials.
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
6:58 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2014
November 12, 2014: CJS Presents "Fuku-Chan of Fukufuku Flats" at the Reel Asian Film Festival
“Tatsuo “Fuku-chan” Fukuda (Miyuki Oshima) is a 32-year old painter living in a charmingly decrepit apartment complex called Fukufuku Flats. Since moving to Tokyo from rural Tochigi Prefecture, Fuku-chan has held down a steady job with a small construction firm where he spends his days channeling a long-held dream of becoming an artist into painting buildings. His lonely evenings are spent mediating disputes between the oddball denizens of Fukufuku Flats including a panty thief, a slack-jawed reptile enthusiast and an aspiring enka singer.
Fuku-chan is popular, kind, generous and well-liked by everyone around him. Romantically however, his shyness around women has rendered him a disaster. One day, an unfamiliar woman turns up at Fukufuku Flats. She is Chiho Sugiura (Asami Mizukawa), his first love from junior high school 20 years earlier, and the person responsible for the traumatizing incident that led to his fear of women….
This new film from Yosuke Fujita delivers all the idiosyncratic humour we expect from a Fujita film but with an added layer of pathos and emotional complexity. The film’s real revelation is the Miyuki Oshima, a popular television comedienne, who plays a male character in the lead role. Her miraculous performance as Fuku-chan earned her the Cheval Noir Best Actress Award at the 2014 Fantasia International Film Festival; it is deadpan hilarious but with a heart-rending emotional underpinnings. Oshima is ably supported by Fujita favourite Yoshiyoshi Arakawa, Miyuki Oshima and Asami Mizukawa.” - TJFF
Wednesday, November 12th, 2014
7:00 pm
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
6 Garamond Court, Toronto, ON M3C 1Z5
Regular $12
CJS Discount $10
Get your tickets before they sell out! Tickets can be purchased at 416-441-2345, or online through this link. Please enter the Access Code FUKURO to get the CJS discount!
Hope to see you there!
Lisa Houston
CJS Communications Director
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
6:04 PM
Monday, September 29, 2014
October 2, 2014: Japanese and English Book Swap at Ichimoku-kai (IMK)
Yet another great event is happening in October: Ichimoku-kai (IMK), CJS's longest-running event, and this month featuring our Japanese and English Book Swap on Thursday, October 2 at Manpuku Japanese Restaurant!
Ichimoku-kai (IMK) literally means the “first Thursday meeting” and since 1995 it has been the Canada-Japan Society’s signature monthly social event, naturally taking place on the first Thursday of every month. It is a great place to informally network, make new and interesting friends, practise your Japanese or English, and – most of all – have a good time! Usually, half the attendees are Japanese and half are Canadian, all with an interest in or connection to Japan. Attendees receive special food and drink discounts and have the chance to win some exciting door prizes.
How does the JAPANESE & ENGLISH BOOK SWAP work? Simply bring your unwanted Japanese or English books to IMK and trade them for others. Any type of book is OK - textbooks, cookbooks, Manga, Fiction, Non-Fiction, magazines…. anything really! There will be no charge for the books, and anyone can take whatever they like! (We only ask that if no one has taken any books that you bring that you take them home at the end of the evening as we have no place to store them...)
ALSO... People who come to IMK will have the opportunity to purchase discounted tickets for ROM Friday Night Live on October 10, another CJS special event! For more information on that event, click here.
Thank you, and we hope to see you there!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
6-10 pm
Manpuku Japanese Restaurant
105 McCaul Street
Units 29-31 (in the Village by the Grange building, south of the Food Court)
There is a $5 cover charge for non-CJS members. Discounts are available for groups of three or more people.
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
7:38 PM
October 10, 2014: CJS Special Event at the Royal Ontario Museum: the return of ROM Friday Night Live!
The CJS is extremely excited to announce the return of FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) with a special opportunity to attend the Thursday, October 10 “THANK YOU CANADA” event at a discounted price!
If you have not heard of "Friday Night Live" at the ROM, this is a great chance to check out what all the fuss is about! It's a series of events featuring an adults-only environment with music, dancing, food and drinks, all in the incredible atmosphere and awesome space of the ROM, and for your added enjoyment, this evening will have a distinctly Canadian theme. You won't want to miss it!
CJS is offering ispecial $10 discounted tickets for this event, along with "VIP access" through a special entrance at ROM, i.e. no waiting in the long line with everyone else. Please note: the ticket price includes admission, and you must be at least 19 to attend (photo ID required). Food and drinks are available for purchase at the event at reasonable prices.
If you are interested in attending, you will have to act FAST! CJS has a limited number of tickets and we are offering them on a first come, first served basis. Tickets will be available for sale at the upcoming Ichimoku-kai at Manpuku Japanese restaurant on October 2.
For more information about Friday Night Lights: Planet Asia, please visit the ROM website.
Thank you - and we hope to see you there!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Doors open at 7 PM
Royal Ontario Museum (ROM)
100 Queens Park, Toronto
(Avenue Road and Bloor St. W., right at Museum subway station)
Adults only, 19+ event (photo ID required)
$10 admission (food and drinks available for purchase)
Please come to IMK to purchase your ticket (maximum 2 per person)
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
7:25 PM
October 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2014: Anime at The Revue
The titles include cult classics Cyborg 009 (1980) and The Dagger of Kamui (1985) and the children’s film Mai Mai Miracle (2009). The series will conclude with a screening of Akira (1988), one anime’s most influential and beloved films.
All four films will be presented in Japanese with English subtitles, using 35mm film prints. Please note: tickets for Akira are sold out, but other films are still available (at the time of this post).
For more information, please visit The Japan Foundation website.
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
7:15 PM
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Japanese Films at the Toronto International Film Festival
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
9:33 AM
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Survey on Experience with Japanese Culture
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
3:46 PM
Sunday, August 3, 2014
August 7, 2014: It's August Ichimoku-kai (IMK) at Manpuku
If it's hot like a Tokyo summer night, then why not embrace it? Join us at the Canada Japan Society’s ICHIMOKU-KAI at Manpuku Japanese Restaurant on Thursday, August 7th for a great evening of cultural exchange, tasty Japanese food, cold drinks, door prizes, and lots of fun!
Ichimoku-kai (IMK) literally means the “first Thursday meeting” and since 1995 it has been the Canada-Japan Society’s signature monthly social event, naturally taking place on the first Thursday of every month. It is a great place to informally network, make new and interesting friends, practise your Japanese or English, and – most of all – have a good time! Usually, half the attendees are Japanese and half are Canadian, all with an interest in or connection to Japan. Attendees receive special food and drink discounts and have the chance to win some exciting door prizes.
We hope to see you there - and come early for a good seat!
Thursday, August 7, 2014
6-10 pm
Manpuku Japanese Restaurant
105 McCaul Street
Units 29-31 (in the Village by the Grange building, south of the Food Court)
There is a $5 cover charge for non-CJS members. Discounts are available for groups of three or more people.
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
6:44 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2014
July 8, 2014: Annual General Meeting of the Canada-Japan Society, featuring an all-inclusive reception and Japanese music and art
The Canada Japan Society (CJS) cordially invites our members and friends to our 2014 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING!
Once again, our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the beautiful offices of McMillan LLP, featuring a spectacular view of Toronto from the 44th floor! The evening will start off with the formalities of the AGM when we will provide an overview of what the CJS has done this past year and outline our goals for the upcoming year and future. Other topics will include the important election of the 2014/15 Board of Directors (non-members will not be allowed to vote).
Our event will also include a presentation from Elizabeth Forrest, a local Canadian artist/printmaker who spent 11 years in Japan and specializes in Mokuhanga, or woodblock printing, and a performance by Linda Caplan, Canada’s premiere Koto and Shamisen musician.
And don’t forget about our always popular ALL INCLUSIVE RECEPTION featuring great JAPANESE FOOD and DRINKS. Admission to the AGM is FREE for current CJS members and $20 for non-CJS members.
Finally, our AGM is a great opportunity for members to renew their annual membership and for non-members to join CJS. For ONE NIGHT ONLY, if you renew your membership or join CJS, we are offering the following discount:
* Student or Senior Membership $20 (SAVE $5)
With membership in the CJS, you will get:
• Free admittance to the AGM (worth $20)
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
6:30 p.m. (Doors open at 6:oo…please come early if you are renewing your membership)
The Offices of McMillan LLP
44th floor, Bay/Wellington Tower
Brookfield Place, 181 Bay Street, Toronto
Admission: FREE for CJS Members, $20 for Non-CJS Members
For more information or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Jeff via Facebook or at
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
7:23 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
June 23, 2014: "The Kiyosu Conference" at the Toronto Japanese Film Festival
"The Kiyosu Conference" is a hilarious offering from well-known director Koki Mitani (Rajio no Jikan, The Ushouten Hoteru, The Magic Hour), starring a veritable who’s-who of Japan’s biggest actors, including Koji Yakusho, Yo Oizumi, Fumiyo Kohinata, Koichi Sato, Satoshi Tsumabuki, Tadano Asano, Kyoka Suzuki, Miki Nakatani and Ayane Goriki. Loosely based on an historic epic that takes place at Kiyosu Castle in 1582, the movie tells the story of finding a successor to warlord Nobunaga Oda, who along with his oldest son and heir apparent, has been killed. Powerful clan members gather for a mental struggle involving wildly varied, hilarious strategies, shifting alliances, bargaining, cunning and deceit.
If you would like to purchase discounted tickets at $10 each, please contact Jeff at
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
8:36 PM
Friday, June 13, 2014
The CJS Presents "The Ravine of Goodbye さよなら渓谷" at the TJFF!
The Ravine of Goodbye
Summary: Winner of the Special Jury Prize at the 35th Moscow International Film Festival, Tatsushi Omori’s adaptation of Shuichi Yoshida’s novel is a superbly acted drama (Yoko Maki received the Japanese Academy Award for her performance) dealing with the themes of male violence and guilt, female victimization and power.
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
10:00 AM
Friday, May 30, 2014
June 5, 2014: Sake Tasting at CJS Ichimoku-kai
Ichimoku-kai (IMK) literally means the “first Thursday meeting” and since 1995 it has been the Canada-Japan Society’s signature monthly social event, naturally taking place on the first Thursday of every month. It is a great place to informally network, make new and interesting friends, practise your Japanese or English, and – most of all – have a good time! Usually, half the attendees are Japanese and half are Canadian, all with an interest in or connection to Japan. Attendees receive special food and drink discounts and have the chance to win some exciting door prizes.
This month we will feature a special SAKE TASTING featuring a variety of Junmai, Junmai Ginjo, and Junmai Daiginjo Sakes, as well as a selection of Shochu and Umeshu, courtesy of OZAWA Canada (
Ichimoku-kai doors open at 6:00pm. Sake Tasting begins at 7:00pm. Sake tasting tickets begin at $1 each.
(For those of you who aren’t into sake, no worries. Everyone is welcome to join in the regular Ichimoku-kai festivities while the sake tasting is going on.)
We hope to see you there - and come early for a good seat!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
6-10 pm
Manpuku Japanese Restaurant105 McCaul Street
Units 29-31 (in the Village by the Grange building, south of the Food Court)
There is a $5 cover charge for non-CJS members. Discounts are available for groups of three or more people.
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
9:51 AM
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
May 20, 2014: CJS Presents Professor Ted Goossen talking about HARUKI MURAKAMI, MONKEY BUSINESS and more!
The Canada Japan Society presents Professor Ted Goossen Talking About Haruki Murakami, Monkey Business, and More!
Join us on the evening of May 20, 2014 for a wild and wacky look at today's Japanese literature and the booming global popularity of Haruki Murakami. Includes readings from Haruki's first novella, “Hear the Wind Sing”, due to be published next year, and the fourth and latest issue of Monkey Business.
Ted Goossen is Professor of Humanities at York University in Toronto, and a founding member of the Department of Contemporary Literary Studies at the University of Tokyo. He has written extensively on Japanese literature and film, and has published translations of works by Haruki Murakami, Hiromi Kawakami, Yukio Mishima and Yoko Ogawa among others. He is editor of The Oxford Book of Japanese Short Stories and is presently co-editor, with Motoyuki Shibata, of Monkey Business International, the first Japanese literary magazine to be made available in an English version.
Admission is FREE but please RSVP to
Tuesday May 20, 2014
6:00 p.m Doors open, registration
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Talk
The Japan Foundation, 131 Bloor Street West, Suite 213
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1R1
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
7:04 PM
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
May 1, 2014: Join us at Ichimoku-kai!

Ichimoku-kai (IMK) literally means the “first Thursday meeting” and since 1995 it has been the Canada-Japan Society’s signature monthly social event, naturally taking place on the first Thursday of every month. It is a great place to informally network, make new and interesting friends, practise your Japanese or English, and – most of all – have a good time! Usually, half the attendees are Japanese and half are Canadian, all with an interest in or connection to Japan. Attendees receive special food and drink discounts and have the chance to win some exciting door prizes.
We hope to see you there - and come early for a good seat!
Thursday, May 1, 2014
6-10 pm
Manpuku Japanese Restaurant
105 McCaul Street
Units 29-31 (in the Village by the Grange building, south of the Food Court)
There is a $5 cover charge for non-CJS members. Discounts are available for groups of three or more people.
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
9:30 PM
Monday, April 14, 2014
May 14, 2014: Japanese Rockers ONE OK ROCK to perform at Toronto's Phoenix Concert Theatre
Creators’ Lounge × Goldenvoice Canada Present
ONE OK ROCK at the Phoenix on Wednesday, May 14!
ONE OK ROCK, formed in Japan in 2005, fuse different music styles like Rock, Emo and Heavy Metal into their own unique sound. Their frenetic live performances have sold out massive arenas in Japan and they are beloved by fans of the young generation. In 2013, their 6th album “Jinsei Kakete Boku Wa” was released, and following the album, they had their biggest arena tour ever, 11 performances in 6 places all over Japan with over 100,000 in attendance.
Creators' Lounge will have a limited number of discounted tickets at $39.99 each. For instructions on how to obtain discounted tickets, please visit the Creators' Lounge website:
For more information about this event, please contact
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
8:00 pm
The Phoenix Concert Theatre
410 Sherbourne Street, Toronto
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
10:31 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2014
April 25, 2014: トロント日加協会(CJS) 主催 第6回 新住民のためのカナダ生活情報セミナー / CJS's 6th Annual SURVIVING IN CANADA Seminar
* トロントのコミュニティカレッジや語学学校で英語を勉強
* 永住権を取得する
* 日本人へのサポート体制やネットワーキングづくり
* カナダ社会への適応について(日々の生活で直面する問題
2014年 4月25日 金曜日
6:30 p.m – 受付開始
6:45 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. 講演 - 質疑応答
8:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. レセプション(スナックと飲み物)
トロント国際交流基金(The Japan Foundation, Toronto)
131 Bloor Street West, Suite 213, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1R1
参加費: $5
The Canada - Japan Society (CJS) cordially invites you to our sixth annual: “Surviving in Canada – Information for Newcomers”
This long-running event is for Japanese people new to Canada; whether studying, looking to immigrate, or just surviving in the Greater Toronto Area. The purpose of this event is to make the transition to Canadian life easier by offering Japanese speakers who will share their unique experience and advice for living in Canada.
They will cover topics such as immigration, everyday life, and where to turn to for support in Canada as Japanese. They will also share their view on the challenges of living in Canada and culture adoption.
The presentations will be primarily in Japanese followed by a Q&A session. The second part of the evening includes a reception where you will have the opportunity to network and talk with the speakers and other guests over some light refreshments. Non-newcomers to Canada are also welcome. The participation fee collected by CJS will be used to cover expenses of the event.
Please RSVP to:
If you are a Japanese newcomer to Canada, this is an event you don't want to miss!
Friday, April 25, 2014
6:30 p.m – Doors open, registration
6:45 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (Speakers - Q&A)
8:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. (Reception)
The Japan Foundation, Toronto
131 Bloor Street West, Suite 213
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1R1
Participation Fee: $5
The Canada Japan Society was established in 1981 and is an independent, volunteer driven non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing relations and understanding between Canada and Japan.
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
10:04 AM
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
April 10, 2014: His Excellency Norihiro Okuda, Ambassador of Japan to Canada, will be speaking at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto
If you are interested in attending, please register online at:
Thank you!
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
6:42 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
April 3, 2014: Join us at our April Ichimoku-kai (IMK)
Is spring finally here? Feeling energetic after a long, cold winter? Then come to Canada-Japan Society's Ichimoku-kai (IMK) on Thursday, April 3rd at Manpuku Japanese Restaurant. Join us for a great evening of cultural exchange, "oishii" Japanese food and drinks, door prizes, and lots of fun!
Ichimoku-kai (IMK) literally means the “first Thursday meeting” and since 1995 it has been the Canada-Japan Society’s signature monthly social event, naturally taking place on the first Thursday of every month. It is a great place to informally network, make new and interesting friends, practise your Japanese or English, and – most of all – have a good time! Usually, half the attendees are Japanese and half are Canadian, all with an interest in or connection to Japan. Attendees receive special food and drink discounts and have the chance to win some exciting door prizes.
We hope to see you there - and come early for a good seat!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
6-10 pm
Manpuku Japanese Restaurant
105 McCaul Street
Units 29-31 (in the Village by the Grange building, south of the Food Court)
There is a $5 cover charge for non-CJS members. Discounts are available for groups of three or more people.
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
8:37 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2014
March 19, 2014: Special Lecture by Nobel Laureate Dr. Akira Suzuki
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
10:23 AM
Sunday, March 2, 2014
March 6, 2014: Ichimoku-kai (IMK) at Manpuku
Everyone is welcome to attend the Canada-Japan Society's Ichimoku-kai (IMK) on Thursday, March 6th at Manpuku Japanese Restaurant. Join us for a great evening of cultural exchange, "oishii" Japanese food and drinks, door prizes, and lots of fun!
Ichimoku-kai (IMK) literally means the “first Thursday meeting” and since 1995 it has been the Canada-Japan Society’s signature monthly social event, naturally taking place on the first Thursday of every month. It is a great place to informally network, make new and interesting friends, practise your Japanese or English, and – most of all – have a good time! Usually, half the attendees are Japanese and half are Canadian, all with an interest in or connection to Japan. Attendees receive special food and drink discounts and have the chance to win some exciting door prizes.
We hope to see you there - and come early for a good seat!
Thursday, March 6, 2014
6-10 pm
Manpuku Japanese Restaurant
105 McCaul Street
Units 29-31 (in the Village by the Grange building, south of the Food Court)
There is a $5 cover charge for non-CJS members. Discounts are available for groups of three or more people.
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
6:33 PM
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
March 1, 2014: Snow Tubing in Snow Valley!
For those of you who enjoy the winter weather - and the thrill of speeding down snowy slopes on an inflatable rubber ring - come join the CJS and our friends at JCSA for a SNOW TUBING day trip to Snow Valley near Barrie on Saturday, March 1st!
The plan is to meet at Downsview subway station at 7AM and hop on a bus to Snow Valley with all the fun-seekers. The price of the event includes two hours of snow tubing in the morning and transportation to/from Snow Valley. In the afternoon, you can participate in the activity of your choice (at an additional cost not included in the event price) - skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing or more snow tubing. The group will then return to Downsview subway station around 7PM.
Seating/places are limited, so if you are interested in attending, please contact Jeffrey Chang by e-mail at to book your spot! You can also come to Ichimoku-kai (IMK) at Manpuku restaurant on Thursday, February 6th to sign up.
with JCSA
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Snow Valley @ Barrie, Ontario Time: 7 AM ~ 7 PM
Price: $35 (includes return bus & two-hours of snow tubing)
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
9:11 PM
Sunday, February 2, 2014
February 6, 2014: CJS Ichimoku-kai (IMK) features the return of our popular Japanese & English book swap!
Ichimoku-kai (IMK) literally means the “first Thursday meeting” and since 1995 it has been the Canada-Japan Society’s signature monthly social event, naturally taking place on the first Thursday of every month. It is a great place to informally network, make new and interesting friends, practise your Japanese or English, and – most of all – have a good time! Usually, half the attendees are Japanese and half are Canadian, all with an interest in or connection to Japan. Attendees receive special food and drink discounts and have the chance to win some exciting door prizes.
How does the JAPANESE & ENGLISH BOOK SWAP work? Simply bring your unwanted Japanese or English books to IMK and trade them for others. Any type of book is OK - textbooks, cookbooks, Manga, Fiction, Non-Fiction, magazines…. anything really! There will be no charge for the books, and anyone can take whatever they like! (We only ask that if no one has taken any books that you bring that you take them home at the end of the evening as we have no place to store them...)
ALSO... People who come to IMK will have the opportunity to learn about our upcoming SNOW TUBING event with JCSA - it will be a lot of winter fun!
Thank you, and we hope to see you there!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
6-10 pm
Manpuku Japanese Restaurant
105 McCaul Street
Units 29-31 (in the Village by the Grange building, south of the Food Court)
There is a $5 cover charge for non-CJS members. Discounts are available for groups of three or more people.
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
4:25 PM
February 11, 2014: Lecture at the Japan Foundation - An introduction to the world of trade regimes and negotiations
Dr. Watanabe's career has featured significant engagement in all the major bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations in which Japan has been involved in the past two decades. He was Deputy Director-General of the Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan from 2002-2004 and served as Chief Negotiator for the Japan-Mexico EPA and the Working Party on Russia's Accession to the WTO. He was Special Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2004 and has been a member of the Task Force on Japan-India Economic Partnership, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry since 2006.
Professor Watanabe completed his BA and MA and was a PhD candidate in International Relations at Sophia University, Tokyo. He also studied at the College of Europe in Bruges under a Belgian Government Scholarship. He is the author of a number of publications on GATT/ WTO and other trade agreements such as Japan's Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). His most recent book on the TPP (Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement) has been ranked one of the top-ten best selling books on business and economics in December 2011 in Tokyo.
Admission to this event is free, but RSVP is required. For more information on this event and to RSVP, please visit The Japan Foundation website.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
6:30 pm start (doors open at 6:00 pm)
The Japan Foundation
131 Bloor Street, Suite 213 (2nd Floor of the Colonnade Building)
Toronto, Ontario
Admission: FREE
Please click here or call (416) 966-1600 x104 to RSVP
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
4:14 PM
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
January 26, 2014: Toronto New Japanese-Canadian Association New Year's Party at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
9:27 PM
Friday, January 17, 2014
February 12, 2014: 近年ますます増加している異文化社会の中で How to Successfully Communicate In Our Increasingly Intercultural World
(English message further below)
「 近年ますます増加している異文化社会の中で、どの様に上手にコミュ二ケーションを取っていくか(ソーシャルゲームの明記されていないルール)」
をボイス&スピーチトレーナーである講師、 リン・ウッドマン(Lynn Woodman)を迎えて行います。
• 言葉はどれくらい文化による影響を受けているか;日本とカナダの文化の内面を洞察する
• 何故カナダではこれほどまでにソフトスキルの能力が重要とされているか
• カナダ出身の新しい同僚、友だち、知人と付き合っていく上で、どの様にプロとしてもしくは社会的にこの洞察を適応していくか
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
The Japan Foundation, Toronto
131 Bloor Street West, Suite 213
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1R1
参加希望者は までご連絡ください。 締め切り;2月7日(金)
The Canada Japan Society (CJS) cordially invites you to:
“How to Successfully Communicate In Our Increasingly Intercultural World - The Unwritten Rules of the Social Game” by Voice & Speech teacher Lynn Woodman
Wednesday February 12, 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM at the Japan Foundation, Toronto
How confident are you in your ‘soft skills’ when speaking English? Are you able to easily establish and maintain professional and social relationships?
In this seminar you will understand;
• How culture is reflected in language; a guided look inside Japanese and Canadian cultures
• Why Canadians care so much about soft skill competencies
• How to professionally and socially apply practical insights to dealing with Canadian born and New Canadian colleagues, friends, and acquaintances
The presentation will be in English followed by a short Q&A and a reception. Participation fee collected by CJS will be used to cover the expenses of the event.
Please RSVP by Friday February 7th, 2014:
Wednesday February 12, 2014
6:00 PM: Doors open, registration
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Presentation, Q&A
8:00 PM – 9:00 PM: Reception
The Japan Foundation, Toronto
131 Bloor Street West, Suite 213
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1R1
Participation Fee: $5
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
7:45 PM