The Canada Japan Society continues its monthly screenings of Japanese films at the National Film Board of Canada this June with the acclaimed, quirky, appetite inducing comedy Chef of the Antarctic.
Again, what better way to cool off than a comedy/drama based on the real life experiences of a chef sent to one of the most inhospitable places in the world; the chilling snow and ice of Antarctica! The film tells the tale of a group of researchers stationed there for a year. Isolated, bored and freezing, their bonding revolves around luxurious meals cooked for them by a chef resolved to survive by using his skills to the best of his abilities.
Subtle hilarity ensues!
Chef of the Antarctic (2009) 南極料理人
Friday, June 10, 2011
National Film Board Theatre
150 John Street (at Richmond)
7PM Start
CJS Members $5, Non-Members $10
As always, we will also have our post party get together at Everest after the film; it’s a great time to meet new people and practice your English or Japanese talking about the film. We hope to see you there!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
June 10, 2011: Movie Night - Chef of the Antarctic 南極料理人
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
8:51 AM
June 2, 2011; June Ichimokukai
As summer nears the temperature is getting hot….so what better way to cool down than with some live Jazz music at the Canada Japan Society’s ICHIMOKUKAI.
Ichimoku-kai literally means the "first Thursday meeting" and since 1995 it has been the Canada Japan Society of Toronto's monthly social event, naturally on the first Thursday of every month.
It is a great place to make new friends, practice your English and/or Japanese, informally network, learn more about life in Canada and Japan, and most of all…have fun! Our attendees are usually around 50 percent Canadian and 50 percent Japanese, all with a common interest or connection with Japan.
At Ichimoku-kai you will receive special food and drink discounts, get to talk to lots of interesting people, and have the chance to win some exciting door prizes.
THIS MONTH: Live Jazz performance by the Chris Kao Trio! Don’t miss out on the fun!
Thursday June 2, 2011
6pm to 10pm +
105 McCaul Street
Units 29-31 (in the Village by the Grange building, south of the Food Court)
There is a $5 cover charge for non-CJS members. Discounts are available for groups of three or more people.
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
8:49 AM
Thursday, May 26, 2011
May 31, 2011: Japan Society Business Lunch: "The Changing Economic Global Landscape"
The CJS is proud to invite our members to the Japan Society's next business luncheon, featuring Dr. Wendy Dobson. A teacher, author and researcher, Dr. Dobson will talk about five major trends changing the shape of the world economy (including the rise of China) and what is driving these trends before looking at the implications for international business and how the world economy is currently being managed. A Q&A session will follow the formal presentation.
The presentation will be held from 12:00 Noon on Tuesday of next week, May 31st, 2011, in the offices of McMillan LLP, 44th Floor, Bay/Wellington Tower, 181 Bay Street, Toronto.
Please call [416.366.4196] or email [ ] Ben Ciprietti to confirm your place for this special event.
A light lunch, with refreshments, will be provided at a cost of $20 for Members of The Japan Society, the Shokokai and Canada-Japan Society of Toronto and for representatives of JETRO, and $30 for non-Members [please note: costs include HST].
There are still a few seats left!
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
7:22 PM