The CJS, as the opening night of our 2007/2008 Movie Night season, proudly presents Noburo Yamashita's 2005 hit "Linda, Linda, Linda".
This warm hearted high school flick is a tale of friendship, teen-age life and rock and roll. Fun for all!
As part of our opening night festivites the movie will be followed by a reception including complimentary Japanese food and drinks. For those still in the mood to party, the reception will be followed by a post-post party at Sushi Queen.
Whether you're into movies, music, or just fun...c'mon out and enjoy meeting new people and those with an interest/connection to Japan.
Date: Friday, September 21, 2007
Time: 6:30pm - 10:00pm
Location: National Film Board Theatre
Street: 150 John Street
City/Town: Toronto, ON
CJS Members $15
Non-Members $20
(price includes the film and reception with complimentary Japanese food and beverages)
Space is limited so please RSVP to
Trailer can be found here (sorry for the subtitles):
Thursday, August 23, 2007
CJS Movie Night and Reception
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
3:03 PM
Toronto Blue Jays vs. New York Yankees
Every summer, the CJS offers special-price tickets to several Toronto Blue Jays games featuring Japanese players. On July 22nd, we gleefully watched the Jays trounce the Seattle Mariners by a score of 8-0!
Next up, we have Hideki “Godzilla” Matsui and the New York Yankees coming to town on Thursday, September 13th. Matsui, currently batting .301, plays left field, and the CJS has scored a limited number of field-level baseline seats right in front of him. These great tickets are being offered at a 40% discount – that’s a $34 ticket being offered for $21. Don’t miss out on this deal.
Toronto Blue Jays vs. New York Yankees
Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 7:07 p.m.
Rogers Centre
Tickets: $21 (regularly $34)
To obtain your tickets:
1) Contact Ken Bole at: to reserve your tickets;
2) Purchase your reserved tickets at the September Ichi-Moku-Kai (Sept. 6). If you need to make alternate arrangements for ticket purchase, please ask Ken. CASH ONLY, please.
Linda Adachi
CJS Communications Director
Posted by
Canada Japan Society
2:28 PM